Aesthetics and Affordance in Shoot-em-ups
Aesthetics are a consideration in every video game ever made, because every video game constitutes a work of (at minimum)…
What to expect from Dark Flow
By unhinging the camera angle, you’ll experience the purity of a traditional 2D shoot-em-up with the grace and excitement of watching a cinematic trailer. You’ll cut paths through waves of enemy fighters and weave across the bow of cap ships while dodging enemy fire and laying waste to dogfighters in your path.
Conflict has divided the federation, war is constant, death endless. The only hope for peace lies in victory, and that hope breeds unrivaled devotion and sacrifice. Fight alongside your brothers and sisters and claim the freedom of peace.
Immerse yourself in an intuitive old school style shoot em up as you weave and blast your way through a sea of enemy fighters, ace rivals, and capital ships. Darkflow’s gameplay is intuitive, approachable, and very familiar to fans of the genre and balanced with a novel cinematic and narrative experience that will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Check out the latest from the development team
Aesthetics are a consideration in every video game ever made, because every video game constitutes a work of (at minimum)…
Hello Flow-fans! I’d like to share some thoughts regarding the unique scrolling characteristics of Dark Flow, and how they evolved…
DarkFlow today is far from finished, and so it’s evolution is still very much underway, but a lot has happened…
Dark Flow is, in the simplest terms, a game from a forgotten genre of yesteryear; the shoot-em-up. For many, shoot-em-ups…